Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hayden Reed Judd: 1 Month Update

Mom and dad have been so spoiled having you home with us. You have brought such a special spirit into our home. We were able to bring you home from the hospital and you were such a good baby from day one. You slept next to Mom and Dad's bed when you came home and you were such a good sleeper. You would only wake up about twice a night to nurse and then you would go right back to sleep. We couldn't have asked for anything better.

During your first month of life you were able to meet a lot of family. So many family members came to visit you. They were so excited that you were finally here. Something neat that happened is that you have four Great-Great Grandparents. And you were able to meet all four in your first month of life! What a special memory we will have!

Great Great Grandpa and Great Grandpa Searle 

Great Great Grandma Searle 

Dad, Great Grandma Giles, Grandma Judd, and Great, Great Grandma Dana 

Mom, Great Grandma Green, Grandpa Green, and Great, Great Grandpa Jackson

Some things you liked when you were one month is noise. You hated when it was quiet and loved when there was noise going on, you slept so much better when there was noise. You are pretty good at eating, sleeping, and pooping. :) Whenever I would take pictures of you would always do a superman pose! It was my favorite thing! 

When you were three weeks old you started to roll over from your belly to your back. You were such a strong baby I couldn't believe it. You continue to light up our lives and make us so grateful for so many things in our lives. I don't know where we would be without you in it. 

Mom couldn't get enough cuddles with you

Doctors visit. 2 weeks old. Happy and healthy. 

Mom and dad loved going on walks with you! 

Dad said his favorite thing was when you would just lay on his chest and you would cuddle

Handsome boy

You loved bath time! 

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